Sunday, October 20, 2013

Imitation is your passport to wealth

Imitation Is Your Passport To Wealth

Finding your own passport to wealth is easy. All you have to do is imitate.

How do you learn anything? From the time you were an infant to today, it is the same.

You watch, you learn, you do.

This is not different in the online business world. It blows me away at the number of people that think that they can waltz on into the internet, join a program and start making money by going at it alone. Sure, many are clouded by the hype, success stories, and claims that ...

passport to wealth, nick bramble, p2w, passport to wealth software,

Finding your own passport to wealth is easy. All you have to do is imitate.

How do you learn anything? From the time you were an infant to today, it is the same.

You watch, you learn, you do.

This is not different in the online business world. It blows me away at the number of people that think that they can waltz on into the internet, join a program and start making money by going at it alone. Sure, many are clouded by the hype, success stories, and claims that are made all over the net. But, one thing is certain. None of those claims made online would have been possible without imitation.

Think about this. Do you think you could say to your self one day Hey, I want to be helicopter pilot. Then go walk out to your local airport, jump into the cockpit and fly away without ever having any training. Of course not!

Thinking you can do that in the online world is just as ridiculous. What you need to do to find your passport to wealth is find somebody that knows what they are doing, is currently successful, learn exactly what it is that they do, and do the same thing. Its that simple.

The cool thing about the internet is that is is a great leveler. While you could not be an expert pilot in a month or maybe even a year, you could very well be making big time money online in a month if you were learning and implementing the right things. But, you have to watch, learn, and do before any success is going to take place.

When people join me in my Passport to Wealth business, I give them immediate access to exactly what I do. I give the exact ads I place in the exact places that I place them. I give them my exact emails. I give them tips on resources and things that I do on a daily basis to grow my business. Anyone who watches, learns, and then implements will have success.

We have been taught our entire lives that it is bad to copy. While it is not so good to copy off of Johnnys test in math class or plagerize Suzies paper in english class, the real world is different. If you arent copying those that are successful, how are you ever going to know how to succeed? How will you ever find that passport to wealth that will change your life? You may eventually find it, but you are going to stumble through a massive learning curve to get there.

In fact, if you ask me (and lots of other successful people), you MUST copy a successful person to be successful in whatever it is you are learning to do. Sure after you have learned the basics, you can put your own touch on it, test things, make things better. But early on, if you are just going at it blindly, you will stumble and most likely fail.

There are experts out there who have tested very carefully methods that have resulted in their overall success. Sure, they have failed at times, but they are succeeding now and that is what is important. In my marketing career, I have not always been successful and I am not afraid to admit it. But, I took the time to learn and when I did, my success came very rapidly and my passport to wealth was unlocked. I failed on my own for a long time before I came across the following quote:

To be successful in life, simply find somebody who is successful at what you want to do and do what they do.

That one sentence changed my life.

Find people who are successful at what you want to do, start imitating them today and your own personal passport to wealth will unfold before you know it.


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